I'm having another one of those weeks where I've got plenty of things to write about, but little time for contemplation. Megan graduates Middle School tomorrow, we leave for the UK in a week (and a lot of loose ends to discuss with the house sitter), shopping to do, camp to sort out, high school looming...
...I've got work to wrap up for my client, a newsletter to send out for MOMocrats and I'm still dealing with the mother of all periods (day seven and no end in sight, which means I may have to squeeze in another doctor's visit before we leave).
And amid all of that was news that the Silicon Valley Moms Group is folding up shop... which means I will no longer be contributing posts to the Los Angeles Moms Blog and 50-Something Moms Blog. My friends know the volume of email I send and receive... now, imagine that 400+ women who are JUST LIKE ME all have something to say at once.
As I sent off yet another message to another friend I've gotten to know as a result of being part of the SV Moms Community, I realized that there were sentiments there that I wanted to share in public.
SV Moms was a wonderful experience for me, because prior to that, I felt like I was alone in my little part of the blogosphere. I really envied the community of moms who blog up in Silicon Valley and really longed for some company down here.
We have that now. It may have occurred eventually (especially as Twitter heated up) – but SV Moms definitely hastened the process. I have “sistahs” down here now, and I really feel a lot stronger for it. Fabulous women like Marsha, Liz, Sarah, Amy, April, Jessica, Elise, Yvonne, Ciaran, Ana, Kimberley, Bernadette, Florinda, Kim,and Laura. (And those are just the women I communicate with regularly... there are many more wonderful writers who blogged for the group.)
Most of all, thanks to SV Moms, I have friends who live all over the country. These are real friendships... women I have met at blogging events, women who support one another in all our endeavors.
I want to thank Beth, Jill, Tekla, Lindsay, Akemi, Vanessa and the rest of the SV Moms gang for helping me grow as a writer and letting me be a part of something that was truly special. I know there are more exciting things on the horizon for us all (and many of us will continue collaborating on other projects), but I can't help but mourn the end of a beautiful association.
Congrats on Megan's graduation!! I'll see you next month at the Summit, right? I'm so looking forward to it!
Posted by: April McCaffery | June 17, 2010 at 01:53 PM
This was definitely the surprise of the week, wasn't it? I knew you and a few of the other LA Moms Bloggers before SV Moms actually branched out down here, but being part of this group has definitely expanded my circle, and I'll always appreciate that! Thanks for sharing your reflections on the end of this phase, Donna, and I hope we can figure out a way to move on to another one!
Posted by: Florinda | June 18, 2010 at 05:44 PM