Did anyone catch this article in the entertainment trade, Variety?
According to them, Fox Studios is betting that BlogHer is poised to be the Next Big Thing - like Comic-Con.
So I guess it's no coincidence that BlogHer 2011 will be at the San Diego Convention Center -- right after Comic-Con wraps. (Note to my friend Florinda: You should probably just rent a house in San Diego for the summer.)
It's been many years since I was a regular reader of Variety and its competition, the Hollywood Reporter. I only learned of that article because it was sent to me by my friend, Debbie, who works at a movie studio, and has heard me gush about BlogHer since I took a chance and signed up for the first one in 2005.
"I love how they portrayed Blogher types as the mommy equivalent of 'fanboys'," she said.
Well, yeah. The coverage of BlogHer always centers on the commercial aspect, so it has gotten a reputation as a bunch of moms who are there to get free stuff from companies.And there are a lot of women who are there just for that purpose.
But it’s actually a professional conference where people network, discuss issues, learn new skills and honor excellence in the field. And it's not just moms (nor even just women).
For me, the highlights of the conference are ALWAYS found in the general sessions where beautifully written posts are shared with the group. And this year, there was a segment honoring women who write about their lives despite political repression in their countries (from Afghanistan, the Middle East, Sri Lanka and Argentina). I don’t ever see a lot of press about that.
I got to be part of a group of 25 women who met privately with New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (who is incredibly smart and savvy and looks a lot like Kristen Bell). That was most definitely a highlight for me.
And yes, I partied more than is probably safe for a woman my age. I ate the wrong foods, I drank too much and I went to bed too late (not that it mattered; I never did adjust to the Eastern time zone so was still wide awake at 2:00 AM each night). And that included a few very nice private events thrown by PR firms for the likes of Kodak, Nintendo and Yahoo.
I got to see old friends and made new ones. I got in touch with my inner Latina (I don't write about Latina issues, but I am the daughter of a woman from Havana). I shot oodles of footage for a MOMocrats video project.
And as busy as I was, I was forced to miss a lot of sessions I truly wanted to attend (mainly because there were usually two or three concurrent panels that ALL sounded great). Fortunately, these were live blogged here and I will be able to catch up with what I missed at my leisure.
BlogHer 2010 was a huge affair. Not Comic-Con huge, but with 2400 attendees, it was 10 times the size of the original BlogHer conference in 2005. I am absolutely stunned by its rate of growth. This has nothing to do with the vision of founders Lisa Stone, Elisa Camahort and Jory des Jardines, who even in 2005 KNEW how powerful women's voices are online. I'm stunned simply because that kind of growth in such a short time is stunning.
Prior to my trip to New York, I worried about the size of the conference. I so enjoyed the intimacy of last month's Yahoo! Motherboard summit. I hear really good things about Mom 2.0, Evo and Type-A Mom. BlogHer doesn't even have a "mommy blogger" track any longer. Maybe I'd be better off putting my limited conference budget towards one of those newer, smaller events.
But now that I've been to BlogHer and back, I'm stoked. If I can come up with additional funds, I'd love to go to Type-A Mom or Mom 2.0. In the meantime, in 2011, BlogHer is finally coming to SoCal. And I'll be there, too.
Nice recap, my friend. Was GREAT to see you and I loved that we even got to attend Blogtourage10 and go deaf, a little :)
Posted by: Liz@ThisFullHouse | August 12, 2010 at 06:38 AM
OMG - "Blogtourage"! I am still embarrassed about crashing your party on Saturday night! You know I never would have stalked you and Elizabeth like that if I'd known (I suppose that's a lesson in using Foursquare).
It was great seeing everyone in one place - but I know there are people who were there who I never got to see at all. I'm glad you and I were persistent in finding one another!
Posted by: Donna | August 12, 2010 at 08:12 AM
Are you kidding me? You guys weren't crashing, at all!! More than welcome, it's how we roll! Plus, stalking is what we bloggers do best, right? {{{ugs}}}
Posted by: Liz@ThisFullHouse | August 12, 2010 at 08:28 AM
My mother-in-law lives in Oceanside and has a guest house...that's close enough to San Diego, and she won't charge me rent! (But seriously, I should just request that whole two-week period as vacation time from work...)
Great recap! I know what you mean about the size of the conference, though. I'd been considering skipping BlogHer next year in favor of the Book Blogger Convention (NYC in May), but now that BlogHer'11 will be in San Diego, there's a much better chance I'll be going.
Hope I see you again before then, though! :-D
Posted by: Florinda | August 12, 2010 at 11:12 AM
So glad to have met you! Hope to see you again soon.
Posted by: magpie | August 12, 2010 at 07:27 PM
Nice to read about more than "stuff" thanks for sharing about the strong the connections bloggers make! Can't wait till next year- SoCal Baby!!!!
Posted by: Happyhourmom.blogspot.com | August 13, 2010 at 12:41 AM
There's no way to crash Blogtourage, it's for everyone! Everyone who is hard of hearing, apparently.
So glad to see you, but it wasn't nearly long enough.
Posted by: Busy Mom | August 16, 2010 at 10:03 AM
Maybe I'll join in again next year. It's too early to commit.:-)
Posted by: Kim | August 20, 2010 at 01:53 AM
It was love4ly to meet you at the conference (we meet at the party on Friday night).
Posted by: Tiaras Tantrums | August 20, 2010 at 07:29 AM
It was fun, wasn't it? I hope we get to do it again next year in San Diego!
Posted by: Donna | August 20, 2010 at 09:28 AM